No …… not that sort of hot …. in any case, do you think I would tell anyone???  

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary.  Again!  Last year was our ruby, and we spent a few days on a camp site in Derbyshire with all the kids and grandkids – happy days.  Yesterday it was just Hub and me, luxuriating in our newly-retired status so that when we get up in the morning we can CHOOSE what to do, and when – very novel!

So we ambled off to Killerton, a National Trust property,

via a garden centre where I at last stocked up with some plants and pots to brighten up our balcony and the back garden.

Killerton is a lovely informal, easygoing house.  In a lot of properties you’re not allowed to touch anything or sit on anything – they even have prickly plants on the chair seats to discourage us.  But at Killerton you’re even allowed to play the organ and the grand piano – so Hub made a beeline for the piano (Hub Heaven will be a place where he owns one).   Meanwhile I ambled off to look at the special exhibition of clothes over the centuries.  My goodness.  What a lot of work went into those clothes.  And there was a corset or ‘stays’ as they were called – looked like a bit of a torture instrument

Eventually we went outside and it was hot – very.  We decided to act our age, and sat down on a bench in the shade.
See?  A hot date

When we got home I decided I was fed up with not doing things because I have to keep my thumb dry and I can’t use it … so donned some gardening gloves over the dressing and set to work filling pots with compost and plants and water.

And soaked my thumb and got the dressing dirty.  Oh dear.  The nice nurse looked at me the next day .  She’s the lucky person who gets to dress it three times this week.

The good news is, that the graft has taken and the thumb is healing well.  I won’t know what sort of melanoma it is until 2 August because the surgeon has gone on holiday.   How selfish is that?!  Can’t get the staff these days

I’m glad the nurse was impressed, because to me the thumb looks like a landslide, and a messy one at that.

(image from http://www.britainsfinest.co.uk/historichouses/historichouses.cfm/searchazref/80001150KILA )

40 thoughts on “A HOT ANNIVERSARY DATE

  1. I find it unbelievable that you have to wait that long for important results just because he has gone on holiday!! Blimey…. :no: it is too bad… but as you say… you have lots to keep you occupied and distract you BUT….

    Anyway… am glad you had a lovely hot date and it seems only yesterday you had your wedding anniversary… can’t believe it is a whole year!!!!

    Will keep Madam Thumb in my prayers xxxx


    1. Thanks, Arose. Hope things are looking up with you 🙄


  2. Sounds like a treat of a day.xx


  3. Congrates on your Anniversary. . .I have not visited Killerton I like the well proportioned manor house. I like flat roof buildings especially so when the architecture is so well proportioned Thankyou.


    1. That’s an interesting comment about flat roofs. (The plural used to be ‘rooves’ in my young day!)


      1. Yes I remember rooves now we have a choice always good for a discussion.As is flat against pitched ! How is that thumb . .my bro.in law has no further problems with his thumb after his operation.


      2. The thumb is still bandaged and is being re-dressed 3 times this week. I don’t get the results from the histology until 2 August, so I won’t know until then if I will need further surgery or not.


  4. Hope you both had a great day!


    1. Thanks, Pete – enjoyed it very much!


  5. Happy anniversary to the two of you’ll. Hope all goes well with that thumb of yours.


    1. Thanks, Frank! Hope you’re keeping well. Lovely to see you on the blog.


      1. Well, I have been a little bit indisposed for the past five weeks. My left eye suddenly started going out of focus due to a muscle pull.The position has since improved but it may, however, take some 3 to 6 months to get back to normal.My near vision is ok but distant vision has become somewhat blurred.Please say a prayer for me.


      2. I’m so sorry – may God bring his healing, Frank.


  6. It rained all the time when I went camping in derbyshire… glad your thumb is on the mend how splendid to spend the day as you want. sounds like an interesting place. x


    1. Nice to hear from you again, Christine :wave: Hope all is well with you!


  7. Glad all is well….shall be well….even the ‘Hot Anniversary’…..;) Hugs! xx


    1. thanks, Bushka! :wave:


  8. Very glad to hear you’re enjoying the retirement. Best wishes to you both on the anniversary.


    1. Thank you, Shimon.


  9. The fact that your thumb is healing is a very good sign.

    Glad you and Hubs and a hot date, and are enjoying the freedom that comes with retirement. x


    1. Thank you very much, Janet. I hope you’ve had a good day.


  10. What a wonderful day out! Happy anniversary! and how wonderful to get up and do whatever you choose to do. It’s awful when you have to keep a digit dry…recently I had three deep cuts on my right hand….animal rescue injuries….you know….irate cockerals and herring gulls….It was so hard trying to keep them dry. I’m hoping for a really good positive result on the thumb!!!!xxxxx


    1. Thanks very much, Dina – hope you heal up quickly :yes:


  11. Tell that Madame Thumb to behave!!!!! 🙄

    Sounds like a great day out …. congratulations on your anniversary ~x~


    1. You wouldn’t BELIEVE the fuss about her turban 8|


      1. Oh I would!!!! :yes:


  12. Sounds like a lovely day out and I am sure it did you go to do something in the garden. It was good that you had the nurse the next day so she could sort the dressing out.


    1. Yeah, I’ve been having to wait a week between dressings!! I’m puzzled why the surgeon should suddenly want the dressing changed so often – perhaps it is to do with not disturbing the skin graft in the first 2 weeks 🙄


  13. Knowing what melanoma it is…does that mean knowing what further treatment is necessary, or is the surgery you’ve had ‘it’.

    It’s good being within reach of places of protected historic interest and lovely places to amble.


    1. It all depends if it is in situ or invasive. If it is the former, then removing the skin and nail and putting on a skin graft should do the trick. However, the surgeon is not convinced. I have been back twice to his clinic and each time the results were not in, so I shall hear finally on 2 August, when he is back, and the histology should be complete. If it is invasive, then I will have a partial amputation of the thumb.

      Very blessed with such a lovely place to live.


      1. How long will you have been waiting to know?


      2. A month. Not excessive, and with family staying for the next 2 weeks no time to brood.


      3. I see. It’s good you have much to occupy yourself with.


      4. Keeps me out of mischief 😉


      5. YOU….mischevious….hmm.


      6. I’m referring more to my attitude – allowing myself to become negative will definitely do me a mischief!


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