If I type ever so slowly, I can do this … 😉

When Hub first went to uni in 1964, he wasn’t at all sure of his faith. During this time he thrashed things out, both in his head and with friends. He recalls walking one guy, Charles, round and round the streets of London, arguing.

Things came together for him, he graduated and went to Cameroon on VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas).

After he’d gone, I went up to London – different college. I too had a crisis of faith which was unforgettably resolved. When a certain Charles said he was organising a student summer trip to Italy to build a small camp and conference centre, I said I wanted to go.

While there, I was lying out under the stars one night when I was visited by an overwhelming sense of God’s love. As a result of this I was asked to head up the mission interest (or lack of it |-| ) in the college. At the end of my term of office I found I had a strong sense that God might be calling me to work overseas.

In my final year, to-be-Hub arrived from his time in Cameroon and moved into a flat where the guys were really good friends of mine. Unbeknown to me, he had returned thinking seriously about work overseas … which is how we ended up in Nigeria for 10 years. And Romania for 5.

Last week we went to a church in Torquay. There, on the list of retired clergy helping out in the church, was a certain Charles.

Talk about stunned! First time either of us had ever seen him lost for words ;D

30 thoughts on “BLAST FROM THE PAST!

  1. Why concern oneself with words when none will do!


  2. Wow how amazing! 🙂 Bet you all had a lot to catch up on!!!!!! Must have felt lovely to see somebody you know in your new place, who had been in the middle of you and hub all those years ago and been involved….!

    Well done managing to blog with Madame Thumb… hope she isn’t giving you tooooooo much pain….. xxx


    1. Thanks, ARAT! We didn’t have time to catch up properly as there was another service coming in … but we will get together and chew the fat, I’m sure!

      2 more days to go until I see Mr Surgeon again … |-|


      1. 😦 Gulp….. Good luck with that dearest Gillyk….. prayers……prayers…….hugs!!!!


      2. Thank you … terrific! :yes:


  3. I bet that was a wonderful meeting.. strange too.I’m glad you can type a bit..thinking of you.


    1. Thank you, the Cat. How are you and your hubs now?


      1. We are ok,thank you,Gilly.


  4. Yes, an interesting and wonderful little story, Fingers! LOL


  5. How wonderful to have met again surely not a coincedence that he helped mould both your lives.More a Godincedence … And now to meet again lovely.


    1. I do like that, ‘Godincidence’ – I use it a lot :yes:


  6. How wonderful to have met again and surely not a coincedence that he helped mould both your loved….More a Godincedence… And now to meet again lovely.


  7. A wonderful story. Hope your recovery is going well.


    1. Not too bad thanks although everything takes twice as long with not being able to use my thumb and having to keep it dry! :no:


  8. what a wonderful story.

    you typed pretty well, hope you are soon recovered. x


    1. Thanks, Christine! :wave:


  9. Pleased you are slowly getting better – always good to meet up with old friends.

    I’m reminded of Lawrence – a friend of Dads who gave up working for Customs and went away to “build a Church” somewhere in his native Scotland after he was called. When I was growing up in my teens he had been a regular visitor coming for meals and stopping into the evening to play cards etc. Sadly we lost touch – I still feel guilty as he sent a Christmas card the first Christmas after we lost my parents (they died within five months of each other) and I wasn’t able to find his address in my parent’s things – neither did I know his surname to be able to inform him news of my parents.


    1. It’s frustrating when that happens :yes:


  10. How nice that you met with Charles again. I love hearing stories like this. Especially the part about the doubts. There are people who thing that faith is an automatic thing. But part of faith… part of love… part of commitment… is wrestling with doubts. And it is always such a beautiful story (in my eyes).


    1. Indeed it is, Shimon. I love hearing stories like this too. We never know when a conversation, or a responsibility, will have a lasting effect on someone’s life.


  11. Glad to see that you are managing to type even with your gammy thumb 😀
    That is an amazing story. I bet Charles was surprised to see you too.
    It’s true – it really is a small world 😀 xx


    1. I’m teaching my left thumb to hit the space bar but I’m having to think about it! Yes, it’s wonderful to see Charles again. We never know when a chat we’ve had with someone, or a responsibility we have, will have a lasting effect on somebody :yes:


  12. What a lovely story gillyk, it is truly a very small world 🙂


    1. What goes around comes around, Bar!


  13. A Small World This Is…….:roll: Unbelievable……Wow! What a re-union! :lalala: Hugs! :)x


    1. Certainly is :yes: – wonderful!


  14. Wow! …. how wonderful ~x~


    1. It was quite a reunion!! 88|


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