I was glad to get to our day off, as am feeling somewhat geriatric: sore throat started on Saturday along with aching joints, and by Sunday morning they had been joined by runny eyes and nose and cough. 😦

However, I was taking the service, and as I’d put it all together with a powerpoint and had been preparing with children’s clubs for several weeks, it wasn’t something I could just hand over to somebody else so I could stay in bed and feel sorry for myself 😉

I got through it OK with prayer and paracetamol, and actually it seemed to go well! The kids stayed engaged and enjoyed it, then off they all went for their day out. Rosie handed me a Locket in the middle of the service, which I sucked while the kids were doing a king-sized collage (11 ft long, and no, I don’t know what it is in that foreign measurement we’re supposed to be using). I staggered home for a cuppa and to mollycoddle myself ;D

Anyway, today I decided that the cold would probably benefit for a walk in the sun, so Hub and I tootled off to Hanbury Hall (National Trust) where we could get a cup of tea (with paracetamol …) and the biggest decision I had to make was, should I have cake with my tea, or pudding with my lunch??? :.

Then we had an elderly totter from Hanbury to Jinney Ring, which I’ve enthused about before – a scrummy lunch and paradise pudding – well, they do say you should feed a cold :))

We were intrigued to find maybe a dozen skewbald horses tethered along the verges of the road. I looked around to see if I could see any travellers’ caravans, but there were none in sight … :??:


Then back home, posting packages en route to family who have forgotten things from last weekend’s visit, or need things from their boxes in our attic … :**:

Hot and sticky here. I’ve opened all the windows. Joints still aching. Wonder if I can get out of staff meeting tomorrow … |-|


  1. You lot had better keep away from me…I m as fit as a fiddle. You can t go wrong with day and night nurse!!!

    Strange about the horses, that happens around here quite often. According to the RSPCA its legal as long as the horses have access to food and water.

    Get better soon….xxx


    1. Thanks, PP … found a couple of leftover Day Nurses and am using them today – they do provide some relief!


  2. PS the lower temperature pertained to our return at tea time. though my guess is, it was colder during the rest of the day as well. There were no kids skinny bathing in the sea near home, that’s for sure.


  3. There’s a horrid cold doing the rounds, sounds as if you’ve got it. We went East this morning and found dry weather and some warmth. It was three degrees colder at home, though dry-ish, was still trying to rain. It is raining and misty now.

    Curl up with a teddy bear and rest the aching bones.


  4. Yes Gilly, hot toddy and bed for you…I do hope you feel better soon. The very warm weather doesn’t help. Oh and don’t forget to rub some vicks on your chest.x


    1. Thanks Janet … I will!


  5. Hot Toddy and Bed…..:roll: BTW…That ‘Hot Toddy’ should contain ample ‘Spirit’…..of BOTH genres….;)xx


    1. :)) Thank you for those wise words, Bushka!


  6. I do sympathise – having had the same all weekend I was surprised you managed the Powerpoint – mine started with tickly cough then felt sleepy, hot and cold then yesterday the aching began so tucked myself in bed and slept drinking plenty – have managed to stay awake today but ready for bed and haven’t had my tea yet! I’m told its summer ‘flu (!)


    1. Oh help, hope mine is only a cold … now that is really selfish, sorry, Silver! Hope you get better very soon. Am sending you a germy hug 😉


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