A Jamaican lady in our congregation has been refused the right to remain and told (in the official Home Office letter) that she must return to … Pakistan!

Am I confident they have considered her situation carefully? Would you be? In any case, even if she is thrown out, she cannot take her (pre-school) children, as they have British passports and will therefore be refused entry to Jamaica. What advice have you for her?



  1. GROAN………… They deported Daughter’s dad just before she was born. He was working too. 🙄


    1. Goodness, that sounds traumatic …:roll:


      1. We had sort of six months warning. He would have been sent back much sooner but for he appealed which gave him the six months so I knew it was most likely going to happen.

        I do seem to have had a most irregular life without even trying 🙄

        Time for it to be nice and straightforward now!!


      2. Well I’m not sure if God’s life for us is ever plain sailing … but at least with Him the irregularities are His!


      3. Am looking forward to see what He has in store for me next 8|


      4. A bit of a rest, I should guess!!! 😉


  2. My suggestion is that letters from her, her parish priest, her immigration advsor, her local councillor, her doctor, her employer (if any), her children’s teacher(s) etc. should be sent to her MP, (and the candidates from the last election for the other major parties, the local newspaper, radio and TV stations, the prime minister and the ministers in charge of any and all appropriate departments, all pointing out the obvious error(s) and reiterating the case for her having to remain at least for the next eighteen years. Make it a cause celebre. A petition with lots of signatures (with addresses to validate it) would also be a help, but might take too long as a first line of attack.


    1. thanks for these thoughts, Lissa. They are all eminently sensible. The trouble is that it is incredibly time-consuming doing this sort of advocacy, and we do it fairly frequently with others. We don’t of course mind that: but the case of the Jamaican girl is shaky, as she is an overstayer. She should by rights be deported, as there is no reason for her not to live in Jamaica; but having 2 children with British passports complicates things now. So we would not be on solid ground.

      The other woman, from Burkina Faso, is a different matter: we are pulling out the stops for her, and have done a petition with our church, and are about to engage on testimonials in her support. We’re debating whether this is the right stage to take it to our MP. We recently had to take another case to her, which was satisfactorily resolved.


      1. My thought in the case of the Jamaican girl would be to get publicity for the errors which might shame the Home Office into giving her some sort of extended residence.


      2. yes – although I think that once they realise that the children have British passports, the mother will be given automatic right to remain. That’s what I understand the law to be at present, although it keeps changing, which is one of the reasons these cases go on and on.


      3. By the way, in the service last night at the cathedral we sang a version of the creed, based on Philippians 3, to the tune of Jerusalem!


  3. That is ridiculous. Surely this will be seen as an admin mistake though – they wouldn’t really send the lady to Pakistan and put the kids into care? I’m usually quite cynical about these things, but surely this can’t happen?


    1. No, of course not. But I wonder how long it will take the HO to get their act together?


  4. Now why does this not surprise me !!!!!


  5. I would advise then Jamaican lady not to go to Pakistan.

    On a more considered note; does she have an immigration adviser? if the H.O. cannot get the correspondence detail right, it is likely they have told someone else to go to Jamaica, or, (living in hopes) they have messed up.

    Is there a father in the picture or any extended family? Again, advice would need to be sought here, as, though I would not advocate it, some hard-nosed *B* might decide that there’s enough family here for the children to be catered for at no additional expense to the taxpayer.

    History in such cases is not the best of British. Assistance and advocacy is a priority.


    1. She has had to leave the father and was hastily rehoused as a result of domestic abuse. I suspect that her case is not strong: she is an overstayer, one of the many with whom the law has finally caught up. But it is now complicated by the fact of her children’s British citizenship. This should entitle her automatically to a right to remain, but the HO will now need to review their judgement. It’s interesting that, for the second time in 2 days, and just to our limited knowledge, the HO has failed to take into account the status of the children in their ruling.


      1. I would be totally surprised if Jamaica refused children entry because of their citizenship when their mother is a Jamaican. There would have to be, surely, other concerns for a refusal to enter the birth country of the mother. There must have been precedents in such matters since the mass emigration of the 1950’s to the UK.

        I am sorry to hear of the abuse. It all sounds very disturbing and messy.


      2. Very common around our area, sadly. Her case worker says that the father could have custody if the mother is returned to Jamaica. Hub has been round to their house and says that the father works all the time and the house is used as a warehouse for his business. What a mess, indeed.


      3. If dad is awarded care, with an abusive record known, the children are likely to be at risk and would of necessity have to be registered with the child protection teams in social services. In fact, it might be something to consider sooner rather than later. It would cost the country in money terms, far more for those children not to be cared for in a safe environment with their mother. As for permanent psychological damage that is another facet which, as you mentioned, may not be considered. As a future well-being and health factor it most certainly could become an issue for the UK.


  6. I really don’t know what to say….incredible!!!


  7. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say :no:


  8. Very frightening for her with Pakistan how it is.xx


    1. Kathryn, the whole point is, that she is JAMAICAN not Pakistani! The Home Office couldn’t even get her nationality right!!


      1. I know that.Bad enough to be sent back there but a nightmare to be sent to Pakistan…that’s what I mean.I’m glad you are there for her otherwise….


      2. Sorry, Kathryn. So easy to misunderstand when we’re writing – !


  9. 🙄 That does not make sense…..:roll: Does it? Jamaican to be returned to Pakistan…:roll: xx


    1. Exactement, mon ami – they got her name right and her nationality wrong … :**:


      1. Can but spell ‘trouble’…unless someone has the humility to admit it…;)x


      2. Humility??? What’s that??? 🙄


      3. Haven’t got the foggiest idea….Only heard the word used..;)xx


      4. That makes two of us then … 😉


      5. :)):)) HUGS! HUGS! Careful, not too many…:));)x


      6. Not sure whether one can have too many hugs … 🙄


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