So I’m-nearly-six-you-know Danny is football mad, and we took him and Wiz to the park with the ball.  Hub and IN6YKD went off to kick the ball around – I watched this with interest as it is some decades since Hub’s foot was in close proximity to a ball… actually, he acquitted himself quite well

Hub wandered off and IN6YKD kicked the ball to me instead.  Without thinking, I kicked it back, several times.

Why does nobody warn you about what happens when your inner 8-year-old meets your arthritic grandmother

(image from

16 thoughts on “KICKING THE BALL

  1. And never ever hop!
    My sister did last year with some children and she paid the penalty,if you catch my drift


    1. Disastrous! In fact my foot has settled down again … phew!


    1. Hobble … hobble … :no:


  2. i can imagine it is very automatic to kick a ball back 🙂


    1. It seems to be :no:


  3. Ooooooffff!!! I felt that!!!I went in goal once when I worked with young offenders up to 21……the first shot I ran away from caught me on the back of the head and nearly knocked me out. I quit there and then!!!xxx


    1. A very wise decision that, PP :yes:


  4. Oh Well…..Hopefully, once kicked bitten, twice shy….Ouch! 😉 Hugs! xx


    1. It’s such a treat to see him kicking his beloved football – he has a permanent big grin on his little face 😉


  5. A few years I tried playing tennis with my – then teenage – niece.

    I have never been good at tennis*, but the games teaching at my school was such that all the girls could do stonkingly good serves before we were even allowed to attempt to play a game. I’m not certain that I have ever actually managed to return a ball in play.

    So I did one of my stonkingly good serves, after which I couldn’t move my arm and shoulder without paroxysms of agony for the next three weeks.

    *My proud boast is that, in all my years of school, I never came lower than first in RE, and never higher than last in PE.


    1. :)) a woman after my own heart!


  6. Ah yes…..! :yes:


    1. :no: anno domini… :**:


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