52 thoughts on “PASSPORT PHOTOS

  1. I had to show my passport photo as identity the other day and the cheeky chap said *blimey how long ago was that taken* I was not amused :>>


    1. What a cheek! He needs a good slap!!!


    2. Well I look like a gummy idiot in mine…nothing like me at all.
      P x


  2. Passport pictures are scary i think we eaither look demented or like some one just released from a long jail sentence.lol.xx


    1. Couldn’t agree more :yes:


  3. Made me smile…look like a toothless wonder..’gummy’ in mine.

    P xx


    1. Your photo is LOVELY – very attractive and glam!! *green with envy*


      1. It is two years old and the hair is not groomed as well these days

        Here is a ppic taken last night just before they upstairs went out and i was looking after the kids


      2. Lovely pic – you look all cuddly and grandmotherly and those two little ones are obviously very happy with you!


      3. Lousy pic as no flash…but me thinks me has to change my name to nannyp….


        P XX


      4. Lousy pic as no flash on phones….

        Me is guessing I have to change my name to ‘NannyP’
        P xx


  4. I don’t understand what is wrong with the pictures 😳 I wouldn’t mind looking like that at all…. in fact it would be a distinct improvement! :crazy: But who is it? Are they married? 😉


    1. Nothing is wrong, I am just in a silly mood. But I thought it was a good quote! Specially now you are NOT ALLOWED TO SMILE – makes everyone look like a ‘Wanted’ poster :))


      1. OH I SEE!! :)) :)) Ah…. sort of living dead look I suppose…. “Just dug up!” :)) I’m with you now… :))


      2. yeah …….. both Hub and I are shamefacedly tucking our photos into our inside pockets and edging warily round people we know … 😉


      3. :)) I am incredibly unphotogenic. Or incredibly ugly and just can’t believe it when I see the evidence! :)) :)) Am sure I’m GORGEOUS really 😉 :))


      4. You ‘n’ me both (well, I dunno about you) – I look absolutely horrible, all stern and nasty, when really I am LOVELY … :))


      5. Awwww I know you’re lovely :). I look GRIM and with a strong jaw until I remember to smile! :))


      6. It’s the inner beauty that counts … but not sure I measure up to that either!!! Oh dear. This isn’t going where I want it to go :no: :))

        Except that you are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!


      7. 🙂 But your inner beauty is fabulous and lovely. It shines out of your blog and blog comments and everything :yes:


      8. Awwwww what a nice thing to say. But wonder if my hub would always agree 😉 :)) Pity I let Jesus down so often and very glad He puts up with me anyway!!


      9. 🙂 Yay it is the same for all of us…. keep sinning away helplessly and being sorry and sinning again and sorry and so on round and round…. but He knows what we are like and how HARD it is for us here in our broken world….:)

        I remember watching all the mice in a mouse house at a childrens zoo all scrabbling about and scrapping and sleeping and eating and so on, and thinking maybe He looks down on us doing pretty much the same things as the mice….. but finding us all cute and lovable just like the mice are.

        Unless of course you are a mouse-hater ;D


      10. Eldest Daughter is … she has had an infestation!!!

        Have you read Mother Julian of Norwich? She has some lovely things to say on this subject.


      11. :)) I have read Julian of Norwich but I don’t recall anything at all about infestations of mice? 😉


      12. :)) :))

        …. about being helpless and stupid and about the Lord loving us anyway …



      13. sorry couldn’t resist that… 😳 “Revelations of Divine Love?” I must re-read it….


      14. what I remember most from reading it was about how she was shown the whole of God’s creation as being the size of a pea ? I think it was – in the palm of her hand or something….. which was mind-blowing and when you think what they knew and didn’t know at the time of her writing, just goes to show…. she was being shown something she couldn’t have known beforehand etc….


      15. yes – the hazel nut. Such a beautiful and powerful image and full of potential.


      16. a hazel nut! Of course! ……pea……:roll:….. 😳 :)) Yes I must read her book again. I have so many books I desparately want to read at the moment I just don’t have the hours in the evening to read enough and my eyes just start to shut after a while so have to give up! 🙂 It’s nice to have lots of books to read though. I recall the days when I just didn’t know what to read next….. I think now I have enough books I want to read to last me to the end of my life! :))


      17. I must confess I can only manage Julian in small doses … :))


      18. :)) I cannot remember… but I’ve dug out her book and will go and re-visit it shortly as nowt on tv 😉 I recall reading it with a strong Somerset accent for some reason…..:oops: I don’t know the Norwich accent……


      19. :)) ha ha ha, that is so funny, I wish I could come and listen!!! D’you fancy doing it on YouTube??? 😉


      20. :)) :)) in fact sometimes I cannot help but read it like Pam Ayres, in my head, if you know what I mean. 😳 not in a disrespectful way but I often get like that reading books – and blogs even – they each have a different sort of imagined accent. Do you do that?


      21. Very occasionally – but not as often as all that and I am just realising how much fun I am missing!!!


      22. yes! I suppose I don’t do it for all blogs… just some of them take on an accent for some reason, or a particular tone of voice… 🙂


      23. :)) I’m tempted to ask if my blogs have an accent … but maybe I’d better not go there!! 😉


      24. :)) no accent! but you sound very nice! 🙂


      25. My kids don’t allow me to say ‘yurz’. I have to say ‘y – eeers’. They sat yurz sounds posh. I say, piffle and humbunkum.


      26. As of “years” or “yes”? 😛 If you are supposed to pronounce “yes” as Y-eeeeers that is very disturbing 😉 :))


      27. As in ‘years’ :**:


  5. They’d never let you out of the airport at this end without a health M.O.T


    1. Aha, there you are! Is all well?


      1. Computer system and browser nonsense, fine otherwise, thanks


  6. :)):)) Good One! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU ARE ANY ONE OF THESE………:)):));)xx


    1. And you would be right … although I rather fancy being a pirate.


      1. That’s a different matter….I am intrigued as to ‘why’ you would opt for that…;)x


      2. Just being silly. I rather fancy drawing on a moustache and wearing the eye patch and rushing round with a wooden cutlass with my grandchildren and announcing ‘Arrr me hearties! Everrrryone clean theirrr teeth in 2 minutes orrrrrrrr they will walk the plank!’


        Second childhood well on the way … 😉


      3. :)) Long live the Puer Aeternus….in ALL of us. :yes: XX


      4. possibly in my case the puella aeterna???


      5. Naturally…..;)xx


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