The Good Lord *got fed up with my whingeing* took pity on me, and when we headed off into the country for our day off, the sky cleared and the sun came out and our spirits began to lift.

Lovely walk through very wet countryside, avoiding the muddy fields and sticking to the little roads, ending in one of our favourite places for a luscious lunch and a browse round some craft shops.

Another walk back to the car, just as the rain clouds started coming over and the day grew dark.  Drove home, motorway no trouble, for nice big cup of tea!

And catching up with all the lovely, supportive and helpful comments from my blog friends.  Thank you all so much.



22 thoughts on “CHEERING UP

  1. Thank you i always enjoy your posts.xx


  2. Glad you had your nice walky day out bit to cheer you up! 🙂 Nowt like a good walk in the lovely fresh air and so on…. And God let the sun shine through speciall….:)


    1. Special treat! How are things with you and yours now?


  3. Leave that earlier problem alome for at least another day and do something else. There are some things for which there will never be a ‘right’ answer. There is no dishonour in having tried and failed because your every move was undermined and expectations were not matched by support. Letting something fall flat on its face is not always as bad as it seems. If you choose to pick it up again later then you can also select those who you want to help you do it!


    1. Tell me about it. I am the queen of falling flat on my face, picking myself up and then coming at it from another angle!! (with crown crooked).

      Thanks for the advice and support. I’m not going to do anything about yesterday’s problem – that group is now in community minister’s remit.

      However, I will be seeing the person most concerned on Friday in a different capacity … will probably just focus on the job in hand – but I will learn my lesson, and not take her goodwill for granted.


  4. Mention of rain reminds me that the rain we are enjoying is our first for well over a month.


    1. Saw part of a programme today, skip, about a young family wanting to relocate to NZ and become self-sufficient. They got a reality check when they realised that not only would they be worse off, they would probably have to work two jobs to make ends meet – and would have less, rather than more time together! But they still loved NZ.


  5. Thare’s nothing like a walk in nature to lift the spirits:)


    1. That’s what I find too, Janet! It rests my spirit to just look at everything as I walk, and if I stop then I just sort of suck it all in, like air.


  6. Its good to be able to venture out at last into the countryside no more snow to vie with 😉


    1. I like to go out even in the snow, Lilian – if it’s cold and bright it’s lovely. It’s all the rain that is depressing!


  7. Glad to hear that you’re feeling better. I’m sure that things will get better in the congregation soon too.


    1. thank you, Shimon! Sometimes it’s a bit of a roller-coaster …


  8. You both needed that break away from everything. So long as you have your wellies nice to stomp through the mud…

    I keep looking at everything I have to do here…no chance…tried moving a box…ribs will not have it.

    Ned to do some cleanin of th paint above the cooker…will have to wait….do any of yyou think I will climb on a chair?

    No Gilly….enjoy the rest of the day…tomorrow brings more challenges.

    P xx


    1. You are quite right, Pauline. Thank God for days off, say I. So sorry your ribs are still so sore. Just mollycoddle yourself for a few days – the jobs will still be there when you feel better!


      1. I know but it is horrid lookin at a mess.



      2. Yeah, I know … wear dark glasses!!!


      3. Or shut doors 😉

        P xx


  9. I could do with a nice cup of tea myself. Interesting adventure.


    1. Nothing like it! Enjoy yours, Tayo!


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